Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Post 10:
Demeter:  Her daughter is the reason we have summer and winter in the Greek mythology.
Dionyous: He was torn into bits, and then turned to a girl and then a goat....
Artemis: When she 3, she was gifted a mountain for her birthday.
Apollo: He is the God of music.
Hermes:  His mom was a mountain nymph.
Raven: The raven symbols war death and misfortune.
Balder:  Mistletoe is the only thing that can kill him.
Odin:  He has 2 ravens… Huginn and Muninn, who are like his personal spies.
Loki: A snake hangs above Loki dripping its venom on his face, for all eternity.
Freya: She has a cloak that can turn her into a bird.
Thor: He dressed up as a girl!!
Guanyin: She helped the farmers grow their rice!
Ra: Humans where created from his tears.
Set: He marries his sister…
Osiris: His brother, Set, kills him
Isis:  Is called the Mother of Life but also the Crone of Death

Horus:  Had numerous children and wives.

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