Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Post 10:
Demeter:  Her daughter is the reason we have summer and winter in the Greek mythology.
Dionyous: He was torn into bits, and then turned to a girl and then a goat....
Artemis: When she 3, she was gifted a mountain for her birthday.
Apollo: He is the God of music.
Hermes:  His mom was a mountain nymph.
Raven: The raven symbols war death and misfortune.
Balder:  Mistletoe is the only thing that can kill him.
Odin:  He has 2 ravens… Huginn and Muninn, who are like his personal spies.
Loki: A snake hangs above Loki dripping its venom on his face, for all eternity.
Freya: She has a cloak that can turn her into a bird.
Thor: He dressed up as a girl!!
Guanyin: She helped the farmers grow their rice!
Ra: Humans where created from his tears.
Set: He marries his sister…
Osiris: His brother, Set, kills him
Isis:  Is called the Mother of Life but also the Crone of Death

Horus:  Had numerous children and wives.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Post 9:

I woke up in a cold sweat, “Where is my son, Where is my son!!” I screamed through the halls of Asgard. I raced to his room to find him sleeping peacefully even with all the racket I had been making. I slowly slid down the wall relief flooding my heart. He was ok, it was just a dream; but I knew better, it had been a vision. I had to do something to save my son. He could not die. My foot- steps sounded heavy as I walked back to my room. All the Gods had come out to see what the noise had been I rushed them back to bed and told them we would have a meeting in the great hall the next morning. My husband was still drooling and snoring as I crawled back into bed. Nothing could disturb the sleep of the all mighty Odin. I tossed and turned all night, thoughts racing through my head. My heart aching, knowing that my son was in danger. I needed to keep Balder safe, and I was going to find a way to do that. Finally I got up, not wanting to just lie there and do nothing. The morning rays of sun had not yet come through the curtains. I hurriedly got ready and rushed to the Library. I needed to make a list of all the things that could kill my son, from disease to weapons, to creatures. If I could get all things in the 9 worlds to promise not to harm Balder, I would save him. The sun finally came up and I extinguished my candle. I had spent hours laboring over every book, checking that I had every single item that could possibly kill my son. I walked to the hall with my armful of paper, a long list of all the things I had found that could kill him. All the Gods poured over its contents checking and double-checking that I had managed to get everything. I had one of the slave children go get my cats ready. Balder finally awakened and walked into the great hall rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his golden blonde hair was tangled in a rat’s nest. A sudden hush fell over the room, and Balder slowly walked towards me. “What’s going on?” he asked softly.” I saw you die last night in a vision, and I will not let this happen. The prophecy will not come true,” I said rather forcefully,and maybe a little too sharply. My son just stood there a mix of emotions crossing his face. ”I’m working on a plan right now so don’t worry,” I said in a much softer tone. “Your cats are ready, Goddess Frigg,” a slave child said to me. “I am off Balder, and when I come back we will celebrate your invincibility.” With a flurry of my cloak I rush to my chariot, jumped in and took off, my cats running full speed down the rainbow bridge, pulling my chariot behind. I went from world to world asking every living thing to not harm my son, and every plant, weapon, disease and creature took an oath to never harm him. As we finally headed home, my cats tiring. It had been a long day, but I had done it, nothing could harm my son now! I pulled up to the great hall and all the Gods rushed out, asking a million questions at once. I simply answered all of them in one, ”Balder is safe, let us celebrate.” They all were silent for a moment, and then a burst of cheers came from the crowd. I rushed inside found Balder and gave him a hug. Someone handed me a goblet and I raised it in the air, “To Balder and his new invincibility.” I said in a loud voice, “To Balder” a chorus of voices said back. Everyone drank and ate the night away, the more alcohol the obstreperous the Gods got. They started throwing axes and spears and swords at my Balder. I knew that they would not hurt him but I thought it better that I did not watch. I walked out into the garden hoping to catch some fresh air. An old woman was sitting on a bench. I went and sat next to her. I liked the idea of having a bit of company. “I heard Balder is now invincible, is this true? “She said in a shaky voice. “Yes, there is nothing in the 9 worlds that can kill him.” I said, how fast news traveled around this city. “Absolutely nothing?” she asked, disbelief still lacing her voice. ”Yes, well I did not ask Mistletoe, for he is too young to do any harm.” I said casually, what could this old woman do with this information; nothing I thought. ”I must be going, make sure the boys aren’t getting too rowdy.” I said and walk slowly back inside enjoying the beautiful fresh air. I stuck to the back of the hall, the boys were still hucking things at Balder, everything bounced off. He was really invincible. I sat and watched until my eyelids grew heavy. I slowly walked back to bed and collapsed into sleep.
”Wake up, WAKE UP!!” Odin's voice cut through my dreams, and startled me awake. “What happened, what's going on!?” I said my voice shaking as I jumped out of bed. “Balders dead…” My husband said quietly. “NO, He can't be everything was bouncing off of him, nothing could touch him, he is invincible!!” I said my heart racing, he can't be dead. Before I he could answer, I ran down the hallways screaming “Balder!!! Balder,” to no answer. Odin finally caught up to me saying,” Last night… Hodur threw a dart made from a sprig of mistletoe at him and he just died. When someone asked him how he threw the dart, being blind and all, he said that Loki handed it to him and guided his hand. All he wanted to do was join in the fun.” Odin said quickly before I could interrupt. “We can fix this.” I said trying to reassure myself. All we had to do is have someone go to Hel and make a deal with her. I ran to the great hall where everyone was already gathered and shouted through the crowd, “Is anyone Brave enough to go to the depths of Hel and retrieve our fallen brother Balder.” I stood on the table screaming this until the hall went silent, then I repeated it slowly and clearly, trying to keep my voice steady. If no one would go my son would be lost to us forever, no chance of getting him back. The crowd shifted to reveal Hermond, a tall muscular man. His deep voice echoed through the hall, ”I will go.” A sigh of relief escaped my lips, there was a chance. As he put on his armor and prepared to go into the jaws of Hel, I ran over and pushed through the crowd. When I reached his side, I clasped his hand in mine, “Thank you,” I said trying hard not to burst into tears. “It is an honor.” He replied and then strode out to the adventure that awaited him, the morning light reflecting off of his armor. All I could do now is wait. It wasn't till the moons light graced its presence that Hermond came stomping in, bringing news of his journey. Before anyone could even stand he said” Hel has made a deal, If everything under heaven, living or dead, sheds tears for Balder, then he can return; but if one thing does not cry, then he will have to remain in Hel.” We can do that I thought, everything loved Balder, he was kind to everyone. “I have spread the news to all ends of the worlds, and everyone but Thokk, the old hag, has wept for him.” Hodur added. “NO, that can’t be everyone loved him.” I said my voice getting louder with each word. “I’m sorry, that was the deal, and we can’t do anything.” Hermond said softly. I turned and walked away from the hall, and into the garden where my words had killed my son.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Post 8:
After the death of Balder, Frigg still clings onto the hope that her son will come back from the dead. Hermond goes to the underworld to try and retrieve Balder from Hel. He cuts a deal with her, that if everyone weeps for the lose of their beloved Balder, then she would release him back into the living. One old women refused to cry,so Hel would not let Balder go.

Post 7:

The climax of this myth when Balder is killed. This is when all the conflict meets its end. Frigg so desperately wanted to save her son, thats how this whole thing started. Frigg did everything she could to save Balder, but he still died.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Post 6:

The conflict starts with the fear of dying. Frigg has a vision of her sons death and she can't bare to think of her beautiful son dead.Once she has almost everything promise to leave Balder out of harms way the conflict continues with Frigg not asking mistletoe. Finally It ends with Loki, because where there is conflicted Loki is usually right around the corner.

Post 5:
Loki is seen wearing gold armor and a green cloak. He wears a gold helmet with horns protruding from the sides. He has black hair with very chiseled facial features. Loki is a trickster, he is cruel when it comes to his tricks. He changes appearances but never his attitude.

Balder was the incredibly handsome son of Frigg and Odin. He had a kind heart and was nice to everyone.It was said that he was invincible, that nothing on this earth could kill him; but in the end he died from mistletoe.   

Hermod is brave he was the one who volunteered to do to hel and ask her to bring back Balder. He is another son of Odin and Frigg. He is usually seen carrying a magical staff.

Hel is the goddess of hel(hell). She rules the Niflheim where all the non-warriors are sent when they die. She takes pity on Hermod and also balder to come home on the conditions set in place.

Hodur is the blind brother of Balder. He is the one Loki uses to throw the dart of mistletoe to kill Balder. Without knowing it Hodur kills his own brother.